Coffee Bits and Pieces by KEN

Hi! I am Ken, a humble staff that would like to thank all of our sweetest customers who made it possible to make Paper Fig as your own Sweetest Retreat shop in Sharjah.
Paper Fig is not just well known for creating desserts to a city that loves to eat it, but also the best freshly brewed organic coffee you’ll ever drink.

Let me share something about me and how I ended up loving coffee making. I am actually a nurse  but path lead me here in the shop and I started working as a waiter BUT with Madam Nawal’s outpouring support for all of her staff in the opportunity to be more and grow as a person and professional wise, I ended up being a full time barista.”

Using quality coffee beans is a must for us and we are proud to let you know that we are using coffee beans from RAW company who purchases green coffee beans from all over the world and roast it here freshly in UAE.

Did you know these facts about coffee?

Coffee beans has two types: Robusta and Arabica
Arabica coffee beans are the top graded quality beans around the globe, this beans are what they call “PRIMERA” which means highest quality beans. While the Robusta coffee beans are the not so perfectly fine coffee beans, this kind of coffee is what we can purchase in the market on a cheaper price.

Latte art basically is a method of creating a pattern or design on the surface by pouring steamed milk into a shot of espresso and resulting a handcrafted masterpiece. It is a skill that a Barista should have. I did not have any prior background and experience but through proper training and knowledge that Paper Fig has given me, I was able to create masterpiece of coffee cup blended with passion that I want my customers to feel. To get the perfect art, steaming of milk should be done in the right way and it must be heated at 60 degree celsius. If you get right milk temperature and making the espresso perfectly then you won’t be needing sugar for your coffee because the milk is sweet and it gives the right amount of sweetness in the coffee.

     Having good coffee beans isn’t enough because to make the perfect espresso, you have to make sure your grinding size is perfect and tampering coffee should be level. If you grind it too big, then you get less flavor of the coffee but if you grind it too small then it could be too much coffee. Also, it is important to tamper the coffee equally because if not, the flow of water in between the two mouth of filter holder will not be equal then the other side could either be perfectly brewed or the other one would result in burned coffee.

“Passion in Every Cup” is our rule that we imply within ourselves to ensure that we provide a quality and good sip on every customer’s cup. Providing that only Premium flavors and Great taste on every customers cup. Skills and knowledge is not enough on attaining a quality coffee cup, using quality product is a big factor on providing an excellent handcrafted coffee in every cup. The espresso beans plays an important role for the consumers to taste and experience a top quality coffee on their cup. Using a perfect blend of coffee beans is creating a delicate signature that will make your coffee be different from the rest.
